2021 - medical translation of bronchoscopy results for Mastermind Translation; Patient -
Status after lobectomy of the middle lobe of the right lung due to bronchoalveolar carcinoma
2021 – in-house medical translation; Epicrisis of a patient with subcortical intracerebral
hemorrhage in the right hemisphere of the brain
2022 - medical translation for Mastermind Translation- Medical chart of
a patient with multiple myeloma; Medical history, treatment and recommendations
2022 – in-house medical translation; Description of cardiac surgical interventions
in a patient with a congenital heart defect
2022 - in-house medical translation; PET/CT with contrast in a patient after
removal of the left buttock tumor (January 13, 2020) + radiotherapy (April 29, 2020).
2023 - in-house medical translation; Mitral valve replacement surgery protocol
2023 - in-house medical translation; Ophthalmology - results of visual acuity,
intraocular pressure, optic disc
2023 - in-house medical translation; Preventive vaccination record
card (Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, DTP, MMR, Polio, Tuberculosis)